July – August 2016 Newsletter

CLICK HERE for the “July – August 2016 Newsletter” PDF Viewer

Wilshire United Methodist
Native American Fellowship
July August 2016
Pansies Stand for Thoughts
Deaconess and Lay Pastor: Gloria G. Marple
Summertime is here!!
What a beautiful evening, as I look out the living room window!! It has been
warm and clear today, but not too hot! My kind of summertime day!!
Hope you have had a special and peaceful day as well….
Lots has happened at the WNAF the last two months, especially in June.
The Church Task Force has had one meeting by themselves and two with District
Superintendant Erin Martin. Many thoughts, concerns, and hopes have been
shared. See the report of the Church Task Force by Loretta Milton elsewhere in the
At this time, as of July 1, the church’s pastoral position is being filled by
Pulpit Supply. I will be continuing to work as a Mental Health Counselor at the
Washington County Jail as well as begin the Ministry of Ruby’s House for Women
coming out of Jail or Prison.. Another words, I will have one job instead of two.
My position at the Church was to be temporary, as Norma Trimble finished her
theological studies in hopes that she would want to pastor both Open Circle and
Wilshire UM Native American Fellowship. Unfortunately, that wasn’t able to
happen. Norma left a legacy of love, knowledge and care.
So, Sunday, June 26th, is my last Sunday as Pastor. I am sad but am also
excited and hopeful about the future of Wilshire. My family has many memories
created by our Church family at Wilshire. We have shared laughter and
tears……frustration and awe….ignorance and knowledge…..and of course, music
and food!!!
I would list all the many people that have been a part of our journey with
Wilshire, but just know that I (and the rest of the Marples) love and value each one
of you…..
We’ll be back once in awhile….like the Yard Sale….but it is time for the
Church to start the next chapter of Wilshire United Methodist Native American
Peace (and love),
Gloria, Raleigh, Josh and David Marple


Wilshire is current on all bills. Thanks to the “Pop Bottle and Can Lady”,

Helen Iles, we have paid over $780 toward our apportionment for 2016.
We have received a grant from Columbia District Church Extension Society for
$2400 to assist in paying for the sewer repairs to the Accessible bathroom. The
total bill was $12,760.09. We have asked to have the investment accounts at
CDCES transferred to Wilshire to pay the remainder.
The amount in the investment accounts should total around $17, 500. The
balance of funds will be deposited in the savings account at OnPoint.
Respectfully submitted,
Helen Stewart, Finance Secretary

The Bottle & Can Lady (Helen I.)
Total for the last week of June was $123.80 The total for the month, $271.00.That
makes the total for the year, $1134.35!!! Thanks to everyone who was and is able
to contribute!! Keep those containers coming as we continue to make our
commitment to ministries beyond the local church!!
On April 18 th 147 lbs of Clothing and 97 lbs of Food was donated to Mainspring
Portland (formerly Fish Emergency Services). Please remember to bring personal
care items like soap, shampoo, and toiletries to donate. Thank you!Please join us

Wilshire United Methodist
Native American Fellowship
Present their Annual
Time: Friday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (Indoor)
Saturday: 9 am – 3 pm (Outdoor)
Location: Wilshire United Methodist
Native American Fellowship
3917 NE Shaver Street (Corner of NE 39 th & Shaver)
Portland, OR 97212
*UMW will have Indian Tacos Lunch for purchase on
Saturday at 11:30am
Bring your Beverage Cans/Bottles to the church for recycling Friday or
Refund coins go to Shared Giving Mission Projects
Wheelchair Accessible
For more information, please contact (503) 282-6431See below for Wilshire United Methodist Native American Fellowship new
Vision and Mission statements
Vision: Wilshire United Methodist Native American Fellowship ,
is a home for all to gain strength, comfort, understanding and guidance,
celebrating living in Creator’s world. The fellowship will be a bridge between
traditions, generations and beliefs.
Wilshire United Methodist
Native American Fellowship’s Mission
focus is to bring children and elders together to share
Christian and Spiritual traditions
These are works in progress…..please see Church Task Force if you have
questions or input on the statements..You are also welcome to attend the
Church Task Force meetings.
Worship 11:00 AM
Potluck and Fellowship
following the service

Healing Notes
Our new program: Healing Notes: Native American-Style Flute Music for Healing
& Transition is underway! Healing Notes is a service for healing; special gatherings and
celebrations; birthing; convalescence (home or facility) from illness or injury; death,
dying and grieving; hospice; funerals, weddings, etc. Stephanie will travel to you and
play the Native American Flute for you or your loved one(s). The potential benefits of
music in a healing setting are calming, soothing, relief from pain, alleviation of distress,
peace and relaxation. Reading, conversation, and smudging are also available upon
request. All visits are strictly confidential. There is no charge for this service; funds for
this program are provided by grants and voluntary love donations. This service is open
to all ages, ethnicities, creeds, and spiritualities; it is nondenominational and there is no
proselytizing. If you are interested in this service, please call Stephanie at the number
during the hours below. If you need brochures, please contact either Stephanie or Helen
Stewart of the Board of Trustees. Please don’t hesitate to call Stephanie at (503) 846-
1755 between 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., if you have any questions or concerns.
-Stephanie Baldridge

Prayer Tree
Should you, or anyone that you know, be seriously ill, coming up for surgery,
convalescing, dying, etc., please help us activate the Prayer Tree by calling Stephanie
at (503) 846-1755 between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., or e-mailing her at:
alaria@syrynx.net. In this way, we can notify everyone quickly and easily, and put all of
our collective prayers to work!
-Stephanie Baldridge

Cascadia Flute Circle
Don’t forget to visit www.cascadiaflutecircle.org for a wealth of Native American cultural
information and traditional (as well as non-traditional) recipes. We’re not just about
Native American Flutes! Please contact Stephanie at alaria@syrynx.net or (503) 846-
1755 if you would like more info on Cascadia Flute Circle, Native American Flute
presentations/lectures, lessons, concerts, weddings, funerals, etc. Stephanie is now
also doing Native American Flute lessons online. Please visit
www.nativeamericanflutelessons.com, or contact Stephanie for more info.

Church Task Force News
15 years have passed since the United Methodist Church provided initial funding for a
Native American Fellowship at Wilshire Church. It has been a journey of love, perseverance and
a belief that our Creator would provide a way for people from diverse cultures to come together
in worship & service. Currently we are at a cross-road or time of transition, needing to discern
how we as a worship community can survive and thrive. On Sunday, June 26, we will be
celebrating Pastor Gloria’s last Sunday with us, as she is entering a new phase of her deaconess
ministry. She has served as our 1/4 time lay assigned pastor for many years with such diligence,
skill and love that she will be hard to replace. A task force has been appointed to address our
steps forward from here including finding guest speakers for Sunday worship and volunteers for
worship support. The search for a more permanent pastoral presence will be an ongoing
Some of the work being done by the task force include: 1) Revisiting our vision and
mission statements;
2) Investigating alternative funding sources for future support of a pastor or spiritual
leader as well as to support building maintenance and programming;
3) Building upon current relationships with Red Lodge Transition Services, Cascadia
Flute Circle, Mt. Hood Cherokees, Boy Scouts, CONAM, White Bison, Iglesia Casa de Oracion,
Timberliners Barbershop Singers , Good Spirit, United Methodist Women, Open Circle, UISHE,
Bow & Arrow Culture Club (Delta Park PowWow), PINEWAS;
4) Connecting with the many Native American service organizations such as NAYA,
NARA, & NICWA, as well as musicians, artists, authors, poets, performing artists, etc. to
determine possible programming to serve elders, families and youth.
5) Determining current congregation family needs particularly with making our Sunday
mornings child & family friendly.
To assist us in this process, we are working with our intern, Priscilla Atamian Lundberg who
specializes in community organizing/ grant writing. She has already provided us with invaluable
support, helping to “man” our booth at the Delta Park Pow Wow (implementing a play dough
table which kids & parents loved) as well as making many connections. Thanks to the many
much appreciated folks who have given their time & energy to directing the task force: Pastor
Gloria Marple, Caroline Underwood, Helen Stewart (taking copious notes) Bill Potts, Trish
Jordan, Art McConville, Laura Fallon-Burns, Bobbie Edwards, Carol & Ed Edmo, Tom
Melville, Paulett Meyer, Linda Meanus, Darlene Fields, Janell Collier and Priscilla Atamian
Lundberg. Please talk with any of these people regarding ideas you might have for furthering
the cause, and remember the task force is not a closed group. You’re invited to the next meetings
July 5 at 2:30 PM and July 26 at 2:30 PM at the church.
Respectfully, Loretta Milton

The Annual Yard Sale will be held on July 15 th and 16 th . Friday, mostly indoors, 10am to
3pm and Saturday, indoors and outdoors 9am to 3pm. The UMW will have Indian Tacos Lunch
for purchase on Saturday at 11:30am. If you would like table space to sell treasures please call
Helen Stewart 503-282-6431. Bring your own tables and canopy. It’s always a fun day!

The three ladies in the Wilshire Sewing Group sewed 50 bags from Pendleton Native
American patterned wool fabric. The bags, suitable for carrying a cell phone and pad of paper,
were stuffed with a beaded necklace, sweet grass for smudging, and a “T” prayer made by
Dwayne Medicine Crow. They were gifted at the CONAM dinner at General Conference.

The UMW has two important events coming up. Mission U will be held
July 7 – 10, 2016, at the Alton Collins Retreat Center, Eagle Creek, OR. Study topics will be:
Climate Justice – A Call to Hope & Action, Latin America – People and Faith, The Bible and
Human Sexuality – Claiming God’s Good Gift. Registration for this event is overdue, therefore
you can contact Carol Usher (Dean) if you are interested in attending—–(541) 281-0415 (541)
281-0415 or carol.usher.RN@gmail.com.
July 15 & 16 the Wilshire United Methodist Native American Fellowship will hold our
Annual Yard Sale with fry bread tacos being served on Saturday by the UMW. A sign up sheet
will be circulating for volunteers to provide condiments and all the fixings as well as help in the
kitchen.. Come one -come all and invite your family and friends…..
The UMW is upholding President Jean Shevland for Creator’s care duringthis time of
hospice. Visitations are welcome at the Beaumont Home Care facility on NE 38th & Prescott