September – October 2015 Newsletter

Pansies Stand for Thoughts
Deaconess and Lay Pastor: Gloria G. Marple

The sky is a beautiful “orangey-pink” above the pine trees! We are so blessed with all the beauty the Creator has given us. We must all work together to maintain and protect his handiwork…..
Hope you all have had a wonderful summer……I for one was happy to see REAL RAIN last week….I didn’t think I would ever say that!! And thankful how just that little rain helped to green up the fields around us up on the mountain….
Be sure and look for the flyer on the Book Sale and Chili Cook off elsewhere in the newsletter. It starts the our fall fundraisers! That weekend is also the UMW Columbia District Annual Meeting..Maybe people can go to the meeting at Rose City Park UMC and then come over and check out the books…just an idea….The UMW Conference Meeting will be in Tigard with our Bishop being our guest speaker. It is on the 24th of October.
I have been doing a “Life Coach” program with the Deaconess/Home Missioner Office. It is so amazing to me to be setting in Hillsboro, Oregon seeing people in Kentucky, Georgia and Pennsylvania!! I have been learning much and the connection and validation has been very helpful. We are the pilot group and the hope/plan is that we will be able to help the Deaconesses and Home Missioner/Missionaries as they face choices in their life. I am excited because the people we will be working with will be consecrated here at the General Conference in May !
Here at Wilshire, we miss you and would like you to come on back to church!! Or at least let us know how you are doing!! Happy Fall!

Peace, Gloria >:)
PS Don’t for get to join us for our Charge Conference on Oct 12 at 5:30 PM! See you there!